The Best Ways to Improve Answer Rates

Sometimes it can feel impossible to get your calls answered. The world is now teeming with scammers and spammers who just want your personal information. So how can you maintain the integrity of your voice channel in a world overwhelmed by fraudsters? 

Establish trust, protect your identity, and always follow the data.

Trust, identity, and intelligence are the key tenets of a functioning voice channel. Maintain your reputation with branded caller ID and other helpful tools. Utilize all of the information at your disposal to stay as connected and transparent as possible.

Here are a few key takeaways from our Answer Rates Guide:

  • The more a customer knows about an incoming call, the more often they will pick up. 
  • Plugging into a large distribution network of mobile users is a good way to spread your name across all channels.
  • Protect your identity by authenticating each call with a fraud filter. These filters can reveal the identity of the scammer while terminating unverified calls.
  • The more data you can collect the more transparent your organization becomes. With analytics and key insights, you can reinforce the effectiveness of branded caller ID.
  • Use the data you collect to pinpoint the strengths and weaknesses of your voice channel. Staying up to date with the latest technology is imperative to increasing answer rates.


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