Vishing is only part of the puzzle 

By labeling your calls with a carrier verified identity, you can ensure that your voice channel is not left vulnerable. Using branding on your call display is only the first step to minimize fraud and maximize security in your voice channel.

Fill out the form below to get the guide! 

Controlling your caller ID with a branded call will identify who is calling right on the phone screen, increasing the likelihood your customer answers and decreasing the chance your business is involved in a spoofing scam.

Branded Call enables businesses to:

  • Connect faster with your customers - when you call a prospect or a customer, they'll be more likely to answer if they know who you are
  • Gain customer trust - a verified identity means your customers can trust who you are, and are more likely to recognize a spoofed call before getting scammed
  • Register all your phone numbers and control your outbound call display on all major U.S. carriers and throughout Canada using Hiya Connect


Download the Four Ways to Minimize Fraud and Maximize Security in your Voice Channel ebook

Which call will your customers trust? solar-phone01