Hiya Traffic Analysis

Why are my calls being marked as spam?

How can I fix my business's caller ID?

Is someone impersonating my business?

We get these questions all the time

There are quite a few factors that impact a phone number designation, or reputation. Likewise, a business's decision on how to use and display their identity can have substantial impacts on business outcomes.

Hiya has a subscription based service for managing your numbers and reputation to our network of users.

To better serve you, please provide us with a list of your phone numbers for us to analyze data on our network.

You can expect a reply from a Hiyan in about 1 business day. We may have more questions about your business.


Group 28@2x
Every business is different and we try to tailor the analysis for each account. Metrics may include:

  • Phone answer rate

  • Contact/User reach

  • Call duration


Trusted by
Mask Group 6
Mask Group 7
Connect With More Customers Faster
Outbound business callers already face a variety of challenges on a daily basis, so don’t let answer rates become one of these hurdles.